Category: Domain Experiences

Domain Name Values – Revisited 2012, Do They Have Any Real Value? By Charles L Harmon The original article was published in 2008. Upon rereading it a few minor changes are being made now. – –


Dictionary Domain Names Revisited 2012: Are they being used effectively? By Charles L Harmon   Updated July 28, 2012 Note the original title of this article had the year 2008. Now in 2012 I still feel


Annoying Domain Name Problems By Charles L Harmon April 2008 Transferring domains out of Godaddy I have only a few (too many) domain names with the popular GoDaddy registrar. At one time I had 77 domains


They Stole My Domain Name but I recovered it By Charles L Harmon Have you ever given thought to who else might want your domain name? That question crossed my mind when thinking; do I have