Flora Studio

Flora Studio Domain Name for Sale

flora studio

FloraStudio.com   Minimum offer $1444


Flora Studio would make an excellent name for anyone with a business or hobby dealing with flowers. There are about 7,610,000 results in Google Search for the term Flora Studio. It’s a popular name, but one that can be on the first page of Google if you have a site on it and drive sufficient traffic to it.

The competition is definitely beatable for landing in a sweet spot on the prized first page of a Google search for that term, which could mean money in your pocket.


I purchased this domain name in July 2004 and later had it redirected to an affiliate site selling flowers. I never put my own site on Flora Studio so if you do it will be the first actual site on this aged domain since I purchased the domain.


Alternately you could find an affiliate program that has affiliate sites available and you could join their affiliate program, drive traffic to their site or salespage, and rake in money without having your own complicated website.

You could just have a sales page linking to the affiliate offer. If you’ve got the time (unlike me) to drive decent traffic to an affiliate site or alternately set up a WordPress site you put up with related flower content, you can make money with little other work except getting traffic and links to the domain.

Driving traffic to the site and getting links to the site are related and/or can be the same thing.


A site using this domain name or pointing the domain name to an affiliate site could be someone’s easy entrance into online marketing. With adequate traffic, the site or domain name can make money, limited by only your ability to send traffic to the domain.

Click HERE to contact me on the Contact Form if you want more information or are interested. Be sure to mention FLORASTUDIO domain name.

FloraStudio.com   Minimum offer $1444



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